romance: n.1.中世纪骑士故事;冒险故事,传奇,虚构小说。2.小说般的事迹;浪漫史,风流事迹,恋爱故事。3.传奇式的生活[世界、情调等];空想癖;杜撰,虚构。4.【音乐】浪漫曲。5.〔R-〕= R- language 罗曼(斯)语,拉丁系语言〔包括意大利语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语、法兰西语、西班牙语等〕。短语和例子the romances about King Arthur 亚瑟王故
Once romina recovered she was reunited with her companions bongo and salome - and there may be romance in the air 当罗米纳苏醒过来的时候,她平日的伙伴-大猩猩邦戈和萨洛米就在她的身边。
Once romina recovered she was reunited with her companions bongo and salome - - and there may be romance in the air 当罗米纳苏醒过来的时候,她平日的伙伴- -大猩猩邦戈和萨洛米就在她的身边。那真是个浪漫的场景啊!